Are you looking to recruit employees from Vietnam but don’t know what is legal procedure to recruit workers from Vietnam and what is required documents to work with Vietnam manpower supply agency?

Don’t worry!

In this article, we will help you understand legal procedure to recruit employees from Vietnam and list of required documents that you need to prepare.

Let’s get started!

Legal procedure to recruit employees from Vietnam

The easiest way to recruit employees from Vietnam in large numbers is to find and work with a licensed global manpower supply agency based in Vietnam.

Manpower supplier will help you find a large number of workers in a short time, provide foreign language training and worker-oriented education for workers before going to work abroad and help you complete the procedures for applying for a work visa in your country’s Embassy/Consulate in Vietnam for these employees…

And here are steps to recruit employees from Vietnam through a Vietnamese manpower supplier.

Finding a reliable global manpower supply agency in Vietnam

international recruitment - global manpower supply - labor supplier - staffing - workforce

There are thousands of global manpower supply office in Vietnam. You can find them easily on the internet.

Your company contacts global manpower supply agency based in Vietnam for the first time.

Read more: Top 10 best Vietnam Manpower Supply Agency List

Discussing the terms of contracts.

You need to discuss with the Vietnam recruitment office about all the terms of the manpower supply contract between the two companies and the labor contract between the employee and the employer, to unify important terms such as: the number of workers, recruitment requirements, salary and remuneration for employees, rights and obligations of the parties…

Signing required documents

Singing international manpower supply agreement | Global recruitment contract | vietnam labor supply
Singing international manpower supply agreement

After discussing and agreeing on the terms of the labor supply contract and the employment contract with Vietnamese employees, the two parties will officially sign the recruitment service contract, authorization letter and demand letter, that required by Vietnam Ministry of Labor.

Sourcing potentials candidates

After officially signing the recruitment contract and receiving the job order from your company, the Vietnamese manpower supplier will start searching for potential candidates according to your company’s recruitment requirements, including : number of workers and requirements of skill, age, language …

Candidates’ medical checking

Medical checking for Vietnamese people before going to work overseas
Medical checking for Vietnamese people before going to work overseas

After finding potential candidates, the Vietnamese human resources company will take the workers to the hospital for a health check before participating in the interview, in order to eliminate candidates who do not fit to work due her/his health.
This will save your interview time and effort a lot.

Screening potential candidates

After screening potential candidates, the Vietnamese human resource supplier will send your company list of candidates who are ready to participate in interview with the employer.

Interviewing the candidates

 Interview via video call

Your company will interview potential candidates who have passed the health check.
Your company will come to Vietnam to directly interview candidates or organize an online interview (video call) through Zoom meeting, Google Meets or Microsoft team…

Selected candidates sign employment offer

The employer sends a job offer letter to the successful candidates and they will signs the job offer letter.

Employment visa / work permit processing in your country

work permit application processing

The Vietnamese manpower supplier will send all personal documents of the successful candidate to your company to begin the process of obtaining a work visa or work permit in your country.

Including: Passport copy, photo, medical report, police report, signed employment offers, resume, educational degree, work certificates… and any documents required by the authorities in your country.

Employment visa processing at your Embassy in Vietnam

When the employment visa or work permit is issued in your country, your company sends it to Vietnam.

The Vietnamese office will submit work visa application for the candidate at the Embassy/Consulate of your country in Vietnam.

Ticket booking and picking up at the airport

booking air ticket

When the work visa is issued, the Vietnamese company notifies your company to plan to book a flight.

Your company confirms the flight schedule and arranges for someone to pick up the candidate at the airport once they arrive.

Foreign employees join your company

After picking up foreign staff at the airport, they will be taken to the dormitory to rest for a day.
The next day they will go to working place to present themselves and start accepting new jobs at your company.

Medical checking again according to your company laws.

These new foreign workers will need to take one more medical examination in accordance with your country’s regulations, before being officially issued with a residence card.

Residence card processing for the workers

poland residence permit card

Your company submits the application to the government agency to obtain a residence permit for the foreign worker, who passed medical checking.

Coordinate to manage foreign employees at your company

Foreign workers who are eligible for a residence card, will continue to work at your company for 2-3 years according to employment contract signed with your company.

In this time, Your company and the Vietnamese labor supply company regularly communicate to update the situation of the employees and handle any problems that may arise.

Required documents to recruit employees from Vietnam

List of required documents to recruit employees from vietnam

In the next section, we will learn about the documents that your company needs to provide to the Vietnamese company according to the requirements of the Vietnamese government.

Documents that your company needs to provide to the Vietnamese labor supply company

Case 1: Your company is a job placement agency or foreign labor supply company in your country

You need to provide us with the following documents:

  • Business license of your company (copy and English translation).
  • Letter of attorney of your company for the Vietnamese labor supply company (original).
  • Manpower Supply Agreement between your company and the Vietnamese labor supply company (original).
  • Job order of your company for the Vietnamese labor supply company (original).
  • Copy of Letter of attorney of the employer for your company. (Only a copy is needed)
  • Copy of Job order of the employer for your company. (Only a copy is needed)
  • Sample employment contract of the employer and foreign worker.
  • Copy of Business registration of the employer.

Case 2: Your company is the direct employer.

You need to provide us with the following documents:

  • Business license or business registration of your company.
  • Letter of attorney of your company for the Vietnamese labor supply company.
  • Manpower supply agreement between your company and the Vietnamese labor supply company.
  • Job order of your company for the Vietnamese labor supply company.
  • Sample employment contract between your company and the foreign worker.

The above documents will be bilingual in Vietnamese and English or the language of your country.

All documents must be signed and stamped by your company and the Vietnamese labor supply company.

Your company needs to send all the above original documents to the designated address of the Vietnamese labor supply company.

After receiving the above documents from your company, the Vietnamese labor supply company will register with the Vietnamese Ministry of Labor, to apply for a permit to recruit and provide Vietnamese workers to work for your company. This process will take 2-3 weeks.

The above documents do not need to be notarized at the Vietnamese embassy/consulate in your country.


Here is the complete process and list of documents that your company needs to provide to recruit workers from Vietnam for your reference.

We hope that the above process is easy to understand for you. And If want to recruit employees from Vietnam, please do not hesitate to contact us for free consulting at any time.

Our contact details:

  • Mr. Victor Nguyen
  • Phone: +84 944 578 111 (Whatsapp)
  • Email:
  • Website:

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